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What is Bandwidth?

Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that we can transfer from one point to another within a network in a given amount of time. Usually, we measure the bandwidth in bits per second and expressed it as a bitrate (bps).

Additionally, the term bandwidth refers to a connection's transmission capacity. And also, it is an important factor in determining a network's or internet connection's quality and speed.

You can measure the bandwidth in a variety of ways. Some measurements are used to determine current data flow. Whereas others are used to determine maximum data flow, typical data flow, or what is considered good data flow.

In many other technological fields, bandwidth is also a key concept. Furthermore, it is a term used in signal processing to describe the difference between upper and lower frequencies in transmission. And, this transmission includes a radio signal, and it's usually expressed in hertz (Hz).

Water flowing through a pipe is an analogy for bandwidth. The rate at which water (data) flows through the pipe (connection) under various conditions is referred to as bandwidth. Instead of bits per second, we could measure gallons per minute. Therefore, the maximum bandwidth is the amount of water that could potentially flow through the pipe. Whereas the current bandwidth is the amount of water that is currently flowing through the pipe.

Why Is It Important to Know the Bandwidth?

Unless you enjoy tinkering with technology or configuring internet hardware, it's easy to dismiss bandwidth as a technical term that doesn't really apply to you. But in reality, when you know what bandwidth is and how it applies to your network then it can help you fine-tune your setup so that you have a faster internet connection when you need it.

When your internet connection becomes suddenly slower than usual then you might be concerned about bandwidth. Perhaps, you think that you need more bandwidth or that you are not getting value for your money.

Perhaps you're about to purchase a gaming console or a video streaming service and want to know if it will disrupt the rest of your network. Those two activities are by far the biggest bandwidth hogs for most people.

What are the Units to Measure Bandwidth?

Usually, the bandwidth is measured in bits per second. Well, here we mention the most common bandwidth units encountered. So. let’s have a look at them!

  • bps ((Bits per second)

  • Mbps (Megabits per second)

  • Gbps (Gigabits per second) 

How Can You Boost the Bandwidth?

Well, there are several methods that help in boosting the bandwidth, Some of them are the following. So, let’s come to the points directly.

1. Using the QoS Settings, you can configure network traffic policies and prioritize traffic based on its type, ensuring that high-maintenance applications get the bandwidth they need to run smoothly.

2. Deploying application public and private clouds to offload the network, resulting in less traffic maintenance in the optimized network.

3. Getting rid of all non-productive, non-essential traffic that wastes bandwidth on ineffective operations.

4. Performing updates, software patches, and backups outside of peak hours can significantly reduce network bandwidth usage.

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