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Go4customer Blog

Why is it important to innovate your Inbound Call Center?

Posted by Shashvat

"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten."

Gucci Family Slogan

At least once in life, whether it’s regarding a product issue or concerning the registration of some service query, we all have encountered customer support representatives. Also, it is highly probable that the service experience was terrible and you may have felt disgusted with the support you got from the brand or business.

When customers experience a bad service level, it becomes a major issue for the business owners. A lot of companies have now transformed their bottom line as digitalization has completely changed the way we measure the success of a business.

With advanced technologies now playing a dominant role in offering service experience, it has become significant for the business owners to work in conformation to the dynamic requirements of the customers.

The way the service providers of call center India, USA, and the UK are training their agents and updating technologies, it is becoming quite clear that customer experience has become the major focus for the businesses.

No business owner wants to be left behind in this cut-throat competition due to lack of innovation and advancements. Gaining a competitive edge through the adaptation of high-end technologies and superior tools has become a mundane way to achieve success in the business world.

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This blog is going to throw light on the tips that would help you to innovate your inbound call centers and offer an unmatched customer experience consequently. Before that, just take a brief look at the reasons why innovation is necessary for the inbound call centers:

Why innovation and exclusive ideas are needed?

All the businesses wish to reach an elite position in the market. To make this happen, businesses try their best to please their customers. When customers get an awesome service experience, they always come back to the business for repetitive purchase.

What do you think? Have you ever offer a great service experience to customers and felt an increment in the retention rate? You must have. After all, customers are the most dominant element in the market today.

On the other hand, businesses always try to differentiate themselves by creating unmatched products/services or by offering the low price. Sadly, these aspects are not able to amuse customers anymore. A lot of companies are now coming up with first-rate products but still are not able to win the hearts of their customers. Do you know why?

It is so because customers are now seeking to build meaningful and perennial relationships with the business. With so much of neck-to-neck competition, brands are now fighting their blood and sweat to create unique ideas. Let’s take a look at some of the compelling innovation ideas that you can offer to your inbound call center:

A fused workforce

Call center agents are the voice of the business they are representing. Since these agents are directly involved in client interaction, proper training and adept knowledge sharing are quintessential.

A lot of instances when service providers of call center India, UK, etc face customer’s wrath because of the inability of the agents to provide resolutions come up. Usually, the call center agents get the most advanced training on the technology and mannerism to deal with the professionals. Still, a lot of call centers tend to keep the main focus of agent’s training on interaction part and less on the business’s domain.

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This creates a void in the overall service experience. Customers like to communicate with the agents who are not only fluent in communication but also have the ability to make decisions. This is where the competency of a call center is checked in. If the agents do not have suitable prowess and knowledge of the business, offering prompt resolutions becomes next to impossible.

So, offering cross-training to the agents to let them become expert in more than one departments lowers the hold time remarkably. Higher the integration level, the more conveniently and swiftly the customers are satiated. For example, getting the agents to adhere to the state-of-art technology such as AI and analytics would offer the benefits of understanding customers’ behavior. Using this, giving relatable solutions becomes easy and the CSAT score hence goes up.

Omnichannel communication

If you want your inbound call center to stand above the competition, offering prompt resolutions on more than one channels becomes necessary. Although the voice is still the most trusted channel as far as it goes to offer resolutions to the customers, it is not enough alone.

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Technology has opened up the doors for new channels such as chat, email, text, social media, etc. Customers are using these channels and call centers that are able to make their consistent presence on all these mediums inevitably route to success.

Multi-dialect call center

Although English is the most speaking business language in the world, making your call center agents well-versed in other dialects may lift the performance and reputation of your BPO company incredibly.

Integrating advanced technologies

Just like it becomes an essentiality to train the agents with all the departments, it also becomes necessary to integrate the robust technologies that are ruling the market. Getting up-to-the-date technology will offer your agents an upper hand in providing prompt and precise resolutions to the customers, ultimately raising the productivity of your call center India, UK, etc. 

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