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How AI Can Help in Managing the Outbreaks of Deadly Viruses?

Posted by Vaishnavi Verma

It’s the matter of last week only when my whole Facebook feed was flooded with the posts of China’s recent epidemic dimming the lights of celebrations for Chinese New Year. Apparently, the buzz on news and millennials page was swinging around the outbreak of Coronavirus in the Wuhan city.

The sudden outbreak has made the world amused by its deadly consequences along with the rising death toll rate.

The world is progressing so fast to altercate the human efforts with smart AI-enabled mechanism, But the question stands still, ‘Is there no way to fight with the outbreak incorporating the initiatives of latest technology’?...

Here, in this article, we will be knowing more about, how technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things are here in the scene to help out the victims of such viruses by alarming them beforehand to avoid the possibilities of future ordeal…

Let’s dive in!

│How Artificial Intelligence Holds a Prominent Space in Healthcare Sector?

Artificial intelligence is one of the known mechanisms to replicate the actions of the human brain without any human intervention at a more precise and accurate rate.

The 21st century, till the time, has witnessed the hike in the number of emergency cases with more complexities and estranged nature of the occurring cause.

The technology of AI successfully encrypts the behavioural pattern of diseases all of its own, based on the algorithms to differentiate the actual disease and its cause.

According to HealthcareITNews, ‘Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning hold the authority to grant most of the benefits by detecting and offering resolutions for the same at an early stage and even during the medical operations’.


The AI works on inputs by analyzing the data through the Natural Language Processing (NLP) and categorize them in a particular entity, with the motive to offer a distinct solution to health-related problems.

According to Stroke and Vascular Neurology, Artificial Intelligence bifurcates its functioning into two modules:

  • The technology can help in finding the actual cause of symptoms pointing toward possible disease by working on the algorithms of artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • The sudden outbreak of viruses and bacteria in the environment may fail algorithms to detect the accurate cause of flu, cold, inflammation etc.

Thus, AI in comparison to human analyzes the input and match the traces with previous encounters. It further predicts the spread of disease on the geographical range by recognizing the flow of the pattern.


│On-Going Buzz Around– Corona, Zika, Ebola Virus:

In past years, you might have heard of the number of cases, wiping out the populations in different nations. The most common reason that can be figured out of all is the eruption of infectious diseases due to the prevalence of certain virus or bacteria in the environment, open to the touch of the human being.

On the recent note, Corona Virus has gathered enough attention through the front headlines of the news. Corona Virus that has an outbreak in the month of December 2019, till the time has taken the lives of more than 170 people in the territory of China itself.

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Symptoms Corona Virus.Coronavirus, contagious in nature directly affects the respiratory tract of birds and mammal, which include the symptoms like systematic fever and flu along with dry cough, short of breath, sepsis, muscles pain and pneumonia.

The virus holds the potential to cause death to the patient due to the unavailability of treatment and drug for the same.

Similarly, to the Coronavirus, the countries all over the world in recent years, have witnessed the cases of Zika virus and Ebola virus, as deadly in nature to the prior one. The common symptoms are fever, vomiting and lack of appetite that generally make relevance to dengue fever, further confusing the patient to take any sorted action on time.

│How Artificial Intelligence Helps in Detecting the Reach of Deadly Viruses– Corona, Zika, Ebola Virus?

The world is astonished to view the appraising results of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector.

The AI holds the power to predict the circumstances much before than the actual occurrence of the situation. If we talk about natural disruptions in the environment, contrary to healthcare, it is easier to detect the occurrence of the landslide, tsunamis, devastating weather conditions by allocating the drones in use and set-ups to study the recorded pattern.

AI Versus Virus

But, the moment when it comes to detecting health deformity, things often become complicated.

Years ago, AI in healthcare is just used to detect the pattern of symptoms and alarm the authorities with the same rather than predicting the possibility of an outbreak in a particular geographical area.

But back in the year 2014, Bluedot, a Toronto-based start-up launched its AI-driven health-tracking platform to analyze certain points contributing to disruptions in human health. Based on their objectives of operations, the organization predicted the outbreak of the virus on December 31, way before than the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

KPI_blue Dot

Kamran Khan, Founder and CEO of Bluedot stated his model strategy as a helping hand to the government worldwide by alarming them up of coming danger on time.

The start-up aims to produce the result via AI-enabled devices by analyzing the mass of the data through the Big Data related to the global news reports, virus outbreaks pattern, airline reports and data along with the outbreak of diseases in animals. The AI-Synchronized system analyses the changes in the behavioral pattern of the environment through Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning.

Bluedot, here successfully traced the emergence of the eruption in mainland china and its neighbouring land, that is assumed to get affected after the outbreak of Coronavirus in Wuhan City.

│In Conclusion:

AI is one of the technologies that has again proven its potential by predicting the outbreak of the epidemic, way before than its actual scenario.

Thus, implementing such technology in the mainframe of the health-related domain is going to bring best of the results by bringing its use in medications and vaccines along with alerting the mass of the globe, beforehand of its spread and its deadly consequences.

Tags: AI

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